‘El aceite para ser extravirgen, del olivo a la prensa y de la prensa a la despensa’ ̶ Refranero popular

´For it to be extra virgin olive oil, the olive from the tree to the mill and from the mill to the pantry´- Popular proverb


Cold pressed, carefully produced Extra Virgin Olive Oil

We carefully select and clasify the olives to produce outstanding quality oils which exceed the rigorous quality requirements of the Tasting Panel of Virgin Olive Oil of Aragón.


We pick the olives using both a traditional hand-picking method called vareo and inverted umbrellas, assuring the olives reach the mill in perfect conditions. When harvesting the arbequina variety we also use specialised olive picking machines to ensure high quality olives are treated with great care. After picking we quickly bring the olives to the mill and we crush them within a maximum time of four hours (two hours for our Selection oils), guaranteeing oil freshness and premium quality. The complete process (crushing and oil extraction) is made only by mechanical means which avoid any alteration of the natural characteristics of the olives. Our olives are ‘cold pressed’ at a controlled temperature, always kept under 27°C, assuring a perfect preservation of the olive organoleptic qualities.


High quality olives, maximum hygiene in the process and commitment to the environment

At Almazara Gil Egerique we use the latest technologies at the service of quality. Our two-phase continuous centrifugation system is known for being environmentally friendly since it requires a minimum amount of water and does not produce any waste as water is removed along with pomace, contrary to the waste disposal systems of three-phase centrifugation systems and those of ancient mills.


Our facilities are divided by areas, depending on the phases of the oil production process: olives reception area, milling area, cellar and bottling room.


Our mill has a self-cleaning system where by-products derived from the production process pass directly to a storage tank through stainless steel tubes thus avoiding any spillage. This by-products (alperujo and vegetation water) are then collected by companies specializing in recycling this type of waste to produce with it other products like pomace oil, fertilizer, etc..



Hand-bottled in our mill: a guarantee of freshness and quality control

Our cellar is isothermal, we always keep it at a constant temperature of 17 ° to ensure the correct conservation of the oil until the bottling process.


All the olive oil is hand-bottled in our mill, located in the village of Maella which is at an average distance of 3km from our groves, ensuring the olives transportation time from the fields to the mill is minimised. We monitor this process in order to guarantee complete freshness and quality of the final product.

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Almazara Gil Egerique

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Almazara inscrita en el Consejo regulador de la denominación de origen Bajo Aragón

Certificaciones de calidad/Quality Stamps/Certifications de qualité

Sello de calidad del Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Bajo Aragón
Sello de calidad europeo para productos con Denominación de Origen Protegida
LDG-CER Entidad certificadora de Productos Agroalimentarios avala el aceite de oliva virgen extra con DOP Bajo Aragón
Producto Cardiosaludable: La fundación medicina saludable recomienda y avala el aceite virgen extra con denominación de origen Bajo Aragón
Concurso Internacional Aceite Terra Olivo, Israel
Medalla de Oro en el concurso Terra Olivo